Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Works in Progress!

Must finish these tomorrow! At least one...

Old Paintings...

These are my abit older works... I wasn't able to post them before for the lack of a camera.

The book I was reading suggested on working with only two colors a red and a yellow and just add more colors as you progress. So this is my study on the 2 color palette study.

This one is one of the painting that I'm thinking of changing. It's the first painting that I've done before that is on a large canvas. It just lacks... 'substance' so I'm thinking of redo-ing or modifying the painting

It's a Spesss Mareeen! hehe... Always wanted a space marine painting on my wall.

Just retouched this recently that's why the middle part is shiney.

The wall! It shall contain more of my painting here! another wall contains the abstract painting that I did above sub

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back! Seriously this time

I've had an artist block for the past month, couldn't think of anything to draw or paint otherwise. Then I though of a great to exercise my creative muscles, D&D. It helped alot. I've been drawing and painting now.

It also inspired me to have a certain 'identity' on my theme and such. Student of the Seven is a paragon path of bard in D&D and I really liked the idea of a group of 7 mystics are heavily shrouded in mystery(in game) the only information involved about them are only covered in tales and folk lore. Their like a exarchs of a god, a sponsor of power, an angel from the astral sea, they are always not the same. No one knows what they want or what god they are under they are simply called 'The Seven'. Thus the Path Name is called Student of the Seven.