Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thoughts and Sketches

Did some sketches and some progress on my painting today!

I woke up today from a 12 hour sleep (that would be because I had no sleep yesterday). Everytime I have a free time even for a small time, I think of a concept... a concept for a character, a story, a villain, basically anything. I start from a simple ideas or a simple line from a song that can be a basis for a character or a story. Like before I thought of a character in my head when I was watching the "Firefly" series, from the opening song, the line "You can't take the skies from me..." I mean it was a simple small line but it just gets me. It can be like a character that has nowhere else to go and finds his refuge or retreat? It's just amazing how simple lines and ideas can change. And it's basically one of the foundations why artists are great and why people do the arts. It is to convey their own personal representation of ideas from other people or their own unique idea on it's own. These are the things I think about, I don't write poems so I put my ideas into my painting, art and my blog.

I've been reading on this book for months now ("Traditional Oil Painting" by Virgil Elliot). And I'm just fascinated by Rembrandt's techniques. So this painting is a study on trying a "Rembrandt" style. I did notice the harsh contrast in his paintings and I"m trying  it out here... The details on the face are still "meh". But I like the black now, and I think I was able to pull-off that lace thing on her dress.

This one is a painting that I just started. I always tried doing the subject before the background first and it kinda ended up when I'm doing that background I have to disturb an area that I've already done. So I'm trying it Background then subject on this painting. I'm still hooked on finishing the other painting (above). So I haven't delved on this yet.

THESE! These sketches I did from weekend to today. I'm kinda... trying out a Glen Keane style... so I kinda succeeded I think... Theres more! but the page of the other sketch pad is not full yet so I think it might be a waste if I uploaded it while the other sketch pages are still "in the work" per se.

I really think I should name my paintings....

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