Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What the...?

I've been  lurking around the drawing practice websites doing some sketches and I stumbled upon on my facebook. Just realized... why would people have a conversation on their Facebook Walls rather than using an IM feature of facebook itself. I just find it... "Idiotic" and a bit of a show off, which I both hate. This just shows that they want the attention of random friends looking and peering in their conversation. I mean who are they to show-off? and it's not even something worthy of showing off(conversation per-se), it looked like personal information being conversed via the Facebook Wall. It was as if they feel that their sooo important that they want others to know what they were doing. *sigh* This age seems soo... stupid. On top of that I was supposed to sleep before checking my facebook... Now it's just bugging my head.

Other than that I realized that I don't have someone to bounce Ideas with. A person that shares the same interest as me, with the same passion as me, and same dedication. I kind of made an experiment with my peers before in terms of scheduling. Before I always initiated scheduling of our peer events, and I thought "This is tiring as hell... I'll try to just sit back and let them fix these shits". And unsuprisingly nothing happened  even up to now. They don't have a dedication of creating bonding moments for us to use a social glue to hold us together, I am the only one that giving effort into it. It just seems sad now that I think about it. None of my peers are willing to give any effort or concern to our circle of friends, to make it stronger. Giving my initial "note to self" into light. I have no one else to bounce Ideas with. I'm thinking of a halloween themed painting but no one else would give me a good idea.

It just seems stupid that I asked this person, "What would you think a good concept for a halloween themed painting?" the person replied "It's your call dude". Not exactly helpful... *sigh* heres me hoping that I meet someone passionate, positive and oozing with creativity. A person I can bounce ideas with...

Oh yeah and here's the sketches. Been practicing with my chinese ink and brushes... But trust their better than my first inking trials.


  1. Exhibitionism is the keyword of this generation :) people are more focused on judging. so creating an image of yourself that looks appealing using all these social media, is more important then leaving people in limbo about you. people are angsty that others will profile them as something they dont want to be, for instance, theirselves being unsocial and/or fragile. so they spasm out positive personal details as much as possible. sad really, but this subject makes a perfect halloween 2012 theme, dont you think? ;)

  2. @ J.S. Well said friend. The thought always makes my head sway and give a sigh.
