Friday, December 16, 2011

Play Hard, Work harder

I haven't posted for awhile and my reasons are good (I promise). My reasons are Skyrim and Arkham City. Oh! and work... yes, I finally found a job that can "fund" my supplies for oil painting and it was much more fun than I expected.

All in all, I am back to my schedule of painting even though it's been reduced to only 2 days now compared to the 7 days of painting that I've been doing before. But now I've adjusted to my work schedule and most of all I've finished Skyrim and Arkham City so I'll have more time for my canvases right now.

I have gathered a lavish amount of references and ideas from my Skyrim adventuring and I shall make good use of them for the coming weeks... Especially tomorrow! I'll get one painting finished at least by tomorrow. I must never neglect my painting.

Play Hard and Work Harder people!

Just Sketches today.

Sketch of Link! I dunno the details on the shield so it's blank lol.

The Following are sketches from a Dr. Sketchy Event.

I got this one signed by the model :D

Monday, November 21, 2011

The world is just maddening...

The world is just maddening on how art has lost it's great polishes over centuries...

The first time I started self-studying art, I started from scratch. So I thought History would be best way to go. I browsed through the classic artists Da Vinci and the likes and I thought, where are these kinds of painting? The awesome composition, the passion delved into every brushstroke, the well placed elements only to trick the eyes into not leaving the composition... Not to impose as a troll to the modern art but there's just a certain level of attention that the classical artists have that no artist have today.

It just feels unfair that the artists (painters, sculptors and the like) of today are overshadowed by anime artist who has little knowledge of the basis and concept of art compared to them. I can say for myself that I have been working on the study of the art every time I have free time. I'll admit that I'm not super-duper-awesome yet, But I WILL GET THERE. And to see that people who draw anime style seems to overshadow us every step of the way.

I myself had a brief social experiment about this. I tried to ask a random person , a complete stranger  approach them with friendly demeanor and ask him a few question. I mentioned that I'm an artists of sort and the first thing that they say after that is "You mean you draw like anime and stuff?"(Translated of course). Deep inside, I was disappointed. I was expecting some people would recognize Art not as anime but as it's very essence... Art. Not that I'm saying that anime isn't art it may in fact be so, but to categorize Art as anime is maddening.

A friend of mine said Art has 'devolved' in a sense that the Old Masters were really good that the modern artist nowadays wouldn't dare to strive to achieve their level, Like the Old Masters put up a 'just dare to try' sign or something. In a sense my friend was right, no one wanted to dare the skills of the old masters. But I just ask... "Why Not?". That's my lifelong goal, my lifelong journey may it be that I not reach that destination be it that I help someone else achieve that goal.

Was only able to continue this, Been busy since I have an office job now... And mainly because of Skyrim

P.S. Whoever reads this I am no troll, I keep an open mind as always. If ever I am able to offend anyone with this post. I would ask you to take my words in consideration. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thoughts and Sketches

Did some sketches and some progress on my painting today!

I woke up today from a 12 hour sleep (that would be because I had no sleep yesterday). Everytime I have a free time even for a small time, I think of a concept... a concept for a character, a story, a villain, basically anything. I start from a simple ideas or a simple line from a song that can be a basis for a character or a story. Like before I thought of a character in my head when I was watching the "Firefly" series, from the opening song, the line "You can't take the skies from me..." I mean it was a simple small line but it just gets me. It can be like a character that has nowhere else to go and finds his refuge or retreat? It's just amazing how simple lines and ideas can change. And it's basically one of the foundations why artists are great and why people do the arts. It is to convey their own personal representation of ideas from other people or their own unique idea on it's own. These are the things I think about, I don't write poems so I put my ideas into my painting, art and my blog.

I've been reading on this book for months now ("Traditional Oil Painting" by Virgil Elliot). And I'm just fascinated by Rembrandt's techniques. So this painting is a study on trying a "Rembrandt" style. I did notice the harsh contrast in his paintings and I"m trying  it out here... The details on the face are still "meh". But I like the black now, and I think I was able to pull-off that lace thing on her dress.

This one is a painting that I just started. I always tried doing the subject before the background first and it kinda ended up when I'm doing that background I have to disturb an area that I've already done. So I'm trying it Background then subject on this painting. I'm still hooked on finishing the other painting (above). So I haven't delved on this yet.

THESE! These sketches I did from weekend to today. I'm kinda... trying out a Glen Keane style... so I kinda succeeded I think... Theres more! but the page of the other sketch pad is not full yet so I think it might be a waste if I uploaded it while the other sketch pages are still "in the work" per se.

I really think I should name my paintings....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Breakfast thoughts

Just did sketches, started a new painting, and modified  a past painting... 

Other than my daily art practice I found myself thinking hard while eating my breakfast today.

Before, the questions you commonly asked to a friend that you haven't seen for a long time is "So how's your life?", "Are you seeing anyone?", "Where do you work?". Besides the other two it seems the "Are you seeing anyone" has changed to "Are you married yet?". Given that I'm 22 I hardly think about having a family, even having a girlfriend. And yet social "protocol" (Been watching Big Bang Theory lately lol), at least in our country, states that a question for my marital status has to be asked. I just find it... Puzzling.

 I mean given here in our area that by the age of 18-20 people get married often because that the girl in the relationship is pregnant. Which (in my opinion) defeats the purpose of "marriage". As I understand it, Marriage is done by people who loves each other and want to go to the 'next level' of the relationship. Here marriage is done because of transpired events. If that is the reason for marriage in this country anymore then I would rather go through my life without it. 

In any case here are my sketches which are from an event here.

Nope there was no batman in the Event. This is a 'batman study' I'm planning to create a painting of batman in oil as a birthday gift for a friend.

 This one is my new painting that I just started... I'm just waiting for it to dry a bit and resume

This is a study on 'melding' yellow hues with blue hues.
This is the modified version of a previous painting... Improved the Hair and gave her eyes. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What the...?

I've been  lurking around the drawing practice websites doing some sketches and I stumbled upon on my facebook. Just realized... why would people have a conversation on their Facebook Walls rather than using an IM feature of facebook itself. I just find it... "Idiotic" and a bit of a show off, which I both hate. This just shows that they want the attention of random friends looking and peering in their conversation. I mean who are they to show-off? and it's not even something worthy of showing off(conversation per-se), it looked like personal information being conversed via the Facebook Wall. It was as if they feel that their sooo important that they want others to know what they were doing. *sigh* This age seems soo... stupid. On top of that I was supposed to sleep before checking my facebook... Now it's just bugging my head.

Other than that I realized that I don't have someone to bounce Ideas with. A person that shares the same interest as me, with the same passion as me, and same dedication. I kind of made an experiment with my peers before in terms of scheduling. Before I always initiated scheduling of our peer events, and I thought "This is tiring as hell... I'll try to just sit back and let them fix these shits". And unsuprisingly nothing happened  even up to now. They don't have a dedication of creating bonding moments for us to use a social glue to hold us together, I am the only one that giving effort into it. It just seems sad now that I think about it. None of my peers are willing to give any effort or concern to our circle of friends, to make it stronger. Giving my initial "note to self" into light. I have no one else to bounce Ideas with. I'm thinking of a halloween themed painting but no one else would give me a good idea.

It just seems stupid that I asked this person, "What would you think a good concept for a halloween themed painting?" the person replied "It's your call dude". Not exactly helpful... *sigh* heres me hoping that I meet someone passionate, positive and oozing with creativity. A person I can bounce ideas with...

Oh yeah and here's the sketches. Been practicing with my chinese ink and brushes... But trust their better than my first inking trials.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Just Sketches today

Did alot of sketches today...just sketches. Heavily inspired by Jim Lee sketches :D

Monday, October 24, 2011

Art For today

This is another Painting based of a sketch from A Doctor Sketchy Event: "Dream and Delirium"..

The sketch it was based off... to be specific the lower sketch :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

Art Progress today

thisi s based on my sketches for the life drawing session on Doctor Sketchy here named "Dream and Delirium"....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Progress of the day!

Been busy handling all my required paperwork for my work so haven't done much.

I like this where this is going :D

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I am stuck... stuck can't think of something to paint. But then, I thought "why not draw from life?", I mean I have lots of materials here I can use as a model and it would be a great way for practice. I always thought life drawing was a bit boring, I know lots of stuff can only be understood with life drawing but I never did do it for painting before. I should have done this before...

This is would basically my first still life, I was fortunate to have a sculpture of galloping horses here so I used it. And I think it turned out really well :D

These are just my Works in progress the one on the right I think I'll leave as is... or maybe modify? The one on the left is a sort of color study for me, a practice of using Blue hues for the hood and clothing and Yellow hues for the skin..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Progress! And my camera is broken

My camera has this weird LCD glitch, that makes it have some sort of black 'dirt' on the screen and has to be repaired. So my sister sent it to the repair people in Olympus hehe. Either way I won't let the lack of a camera halt my blogging! I made a point to not stop on this thingie! In any case here are my progress so far. Even though I only had a phone camera in use it's better than nothin.
A newly stretched canvas! Just started this today. :D
This is a progress on my previous painting. Need to furnish it more though... And the lower right area lacks... something but I don't know what to add, perhaps a sort of alchemical vial or something? Or maybe an orb? .

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Works in Progress!

Must finish these tomorrow! At least one...

Old Paintings...

These are my abit older works... I wasn't able to post them before for the lack of a camera.

The book I was reading suggested on working with only two colors a red and a yellow and just add more colors as you progress. So this is my study on the 2 color palette study.

This one is one of the painting that I'm thinking of changing. It's the first painting that I've done before that is on a large canvas. It just lacks... 'substance' so I'm thinking of redo-ing or modifying the painting

It's a Spesss Mareeen! hehe... Always wanted a space marine painting on my wall.

Just retouched this recently that's why the middle part is shiney.

The wall! It shall contain more of my painting here! another wall contains the abstract painting that I did above sub

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back! Seriously this time

I've had an artist block for the past month, couldn't think of anything to draw or paint otherwise. Then I though of a great to exercise my creative muscles, D&D. It helped alot. I've been drawing and painting now.

It also inspired me to have a certain 'identity' on my theme and such. Student of the Seven is a paragon path of bard in D&D and I really liked the idea of a group of 7 mystics are heavily shrouded in mystery(in game) the only information involved about them are only covered in tales and folk lore. Their like a exarchs of a god, a sponsor of power, an angel from the astral sea, they are always not the same. No one knows what they want or what god they are under they are simply called 'The Seven'. Thus the Path Name is called Student of the Seven.